JANUAR 18, 2022

Welcome to the OFFICIAL home page of Roy Thinnes, star of the groundbreaking science fiction TV series, “The Invaders” (1967), which inspired many other TV programs and science fiction films. This website showcases Roy’s fifty-year acting career and features a gallery of rare photos, especially of Roy as the legendary everyman David Vincent from The Invaders. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROY, APRIL 6, 2011! NEW 2011 Convention pic on news page!


Roy Thinnes Fan Club on Facebook:

NEW! JULY 30, 2018 Roy is retired and in fairly good health in Los Angeles, CA. He sends his love and appreciation to all the fans and is touched by the increased attention in the facebook fan club page as well as the Quinn Martin Invaders page and The Invaders fan page also on facebook. Autographs are still suspended at this time, but if that changes, we will announce it. Check out his great painting featued in this website.

January 6, 2017: "A friend of mine, who is a UFO investigator, reminded me that The Vatican in 1947, and this was before the Roswell Incident, when asked if there was life out there in the Universe...the Pope (Pope Pius XII) didn't say it, but a spokesman for the Papacy said that the Universe must be teeming with life. Anyone who has seen the film they show at the American Museum of Natural History, it is a film trip into the Universe, coming up out of the Milky Way and observing distant galaxies as far away as one can imagine. Something's gotta be out there! How can we possibly assume that we're alone here?"--Roy Thinnes.

Roy Thinnes aka David Vincent in the Quinn Martin (May 22nd, 1922 - September 05th, 1987) produced 1960s classic SF tv series THE INVADERS (ABC 1967-68) will be in attendance at the upcoming THE HOLLYWOOD SHOW (formerly THE HOLLYWOOD CELEBRITIES AND COLLECTORS SHOW) being held on Saturday, January 07th (10:00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. P.T.) and Sunday, January 08th, 2017 (11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. P.T.) at the Westin Los Angeles Airport Hotel, 5400 Century Boulevard, Los Angeles California.

This celebrity guest appearance by Roy is significant as it is his first after a lengthy moratorium and it also coincides just prior to the 50th Anniversary of THE INVADERS tv series' ABC Television Network primetime network debut on Tuesday, January 10th, 1967.

Also present were former THE INVADERS guest performer alumni including Lou Gossett ("The Vice"), Antoinette Bower ("Condition Red!"), Sally Kellerman ("Labyrinth"), Barbara Luna ("Storm"), Joanne Linville ("Moonshot" and "The Pit") and Carl Held ("The Ransom").

Note that Lou Gossett will be in attendance on Saturday only!

Roy Interview Series simulcast on BKPRADIO with host James Finch. It's a 12 week series. Here's episode 1.



Remember these ominous, immortal words from the beginning of every episode:

The Invaders…alien beings from a dying planet, their destination: the Earth. Their purpose: to make it their world. David Vincent has seen them. For him, it began one lost night on a lonely country road, looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner…and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now, David Vincent knows that the Invaders are here, that they have taken human form. Somehow he must convince a disbelieving world that the nightmare has already begun!

Now you can begin your journey into the world of Roy Thinnes! Also, be on the lookout for the new INVADERS DVD Season 1 set from CBS as it has arrived in stores and from Amazon. Season 2 will be released January 27, 2009!

SEPTEMBER 14, 2017

NEW - SEPTEMBER, 2016. EXCITING NEWS!! Mr. Roy Thinnes is scheduled to attend The Hollywood Show in Los Angeles, CA, January 6-8, 2017, just in time to celebrate The Invaders' 50th Anniversary of the shows' release. Here's your chance to meet the one and only "David Vincent!" http://hollywoodshow.com/main.php
NEW - JUNE, 2016: Roy has suspended autographs until further notice. We will come up with a system later this year. Also, all correspondence should be held until the Fall as Roy is moving. Please respect his wishes for now. Thank you to all who have corresponded, Roy appreciates very much your love and support!

Recent Interviews with Roy

See: Interview with Roy Thinnes, July 11th 2012

See: Actor Roy Thinnes Interviewed

JUNE 25, 2016

Roy was interviewed late April 2013 by radio host Tom Schmid. Here is the link he sent me to share with you: Roy Thinnes Interview With Tom Schmid

Roy will be appearing in Chicago, IL, September 6-8, 2013, at the Chicago Hollywood Show. More information: THE HOLLYWOOD SHOW CHICAGO.

NEW ADDRESS FOR FANMAIL AND AUTOGRAPHS (Please send a photo you want autographed and an SASE):

Roy Thinnes
1910 Madison Avenue #511
Memphis, TN 38104


Fans of THE OTHER MAN should also check our NEWS page for some info.


You can no longer write to me on
Email: jim@roythinnes.com

This site is a tribute to James FINCH, the original creator and a friend of Roy's.